How Lauren Sweeney of Dotted Line, Owns It

Hi and welcome to the OWN IT podcast, where we celebrate the growing number of (women and non-binary) ad agency owners and talk about buying out of the boys’ club of advertising, one agency at a time.  Today, we’re talking to Lauren Sweeney of Dotted Line. Her path to agency ownership is very different than most of us. She got started simply trying to help people grow their business. Her job before was a project manager at a financial institution. She even admitted she didn’t even know what an agency was, then started one.  Her fresh perspective on marketing has been a boon for clients and those of us who have gotten to know her.  She and I also have a few other things in common … we love the outdoors, are both rooted in our faith and our husbands are also entrepreneurs. As you can imagine, our talk was so wonderful. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Lauren Sweeney of Dotted Line. You can find links to her agency and her LinkedIn profile as well in our show notes at If you’re enjoying Own It, we have a slightly different request than normal. Please go to Own It on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community.  Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …


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